FIEA, Florida Polytechnic Students Win FIEA’s First Game Jam Teams of students raced against the clock to design and develop a sunshine-themed video game during the inaugural FIEA Collegiate Game Jam.
UCF Named No. 1 Graduate School for Video Game Design The Princeton Review and PC Gamer magazine continue to rank UCF’s undergraduate and graduate programs among the best in the nation.
2 UCF Students Win App-building Ideathon 2019, Advance to National Competition Sophomores Alexander Figoli and David Russell developed the Spirit app to help students at UCF more easily access mental health resources.
UCF’s Video Game Programs Ranked Among Top 15 in the World The Princeton Review continues to rank UCF’s undergraduate and graduate programs among the best.
UCF Teams Up with Orlando Science Center at Otronicon Technology Event Otronicon, a four-day technology event hosted at the Orlando Science Center, will feature several exhibits, activities and guest speakers from UCF, one of the sponsors…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal