How to Reduce Stress Final exams. Research papers. Can you find any peace at this time of year? Oh yes. Yes, you can. Here’s how.
Giving Back, Giving Hope: UCF Counselor Helps Victims of Hurricane Joaquin When Hurricane Joaquin completely wrecked several islands in the southern Bahamas, volunteers jumped into action and traveled to the hardest-hit areas. One of those heroic…
UCF Panel Calls for End to Relationship Violence As part of its annual observance of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, UCF hosted a forum Wednesday, Oct. 7, to honor the lives of domestic-violence…
The New York Times Covers UCF’s Outreach to Students with Anxiety A New York Times story about the growing number of college students nationwide struggling with anxiety featured UCF Counseling and Psychological Services’ many efforts to…
Conference Focuses on Challenges Campuses Face On May 17, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities hosted its first-ever “Case Management Drive-In Conference” for case managers and those who work with…
Psychological Association Accredits Counseling Center Program The Pre-doctoral Training Program at University of Central Florida’s Counseling Center has been accredited by the American Psychological Association for the first time.
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal