New UCF Study Proposes Space Auctions to Ease Satellite Overcrowding The study provides a systematic analysis of the problem of space congestion and proposes a market-based solution.
KPMG Names Khim Kelly to Endowed Professorship UCF’s longtime business partner recognizes professor’s expertise.
Graduating Knight Chosen for National Ultimate Frisbee Team In between searching for a job like many other college graduates, Michael Fairley has something different to look forward to after graduation: Competing with the…
#UCFBusiness Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting Nationally Ranked The UCF College of Business Administration’s (#UCFBusiness) Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Master of Science in Accounting programs were ranked among the top 50…
Dixon School of Accounting Scholarship Winners Announced Sixteen students from the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting were named Fall 2012 scholarship winners. The scholarships, available both in Spring and Fall semesters,…
Accounting Professor Honored by AAA Steve G. Sutton, Ph.D., KPMG Professor in the Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting, was selected to receive the Outstanding Educator Award from the Strategic…
Business Grads + Accountants = New Alumni Chapter Calling all Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting graduates, friends, and community partners…Do you want to connect to fellow accounting alums and accounting professionals? The…
30th Annual Accounting Conference Largest Ever! Like the College of Business Administration on Facebook to view more photos from the accounting conference.
Donna Bobek Schmitt Named Dixon Research Fellow Donna Bobek Schmitt has been named the inaugural Kenneth G. Dixon Research Fellow in the Dixon School of Accounting. Schmitt, an associate professor, was selected…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal