Epic Games, Maker of Fortnite, Awards UCF Professor Grant to Enhance AR and VR Technology Maria Harrington earned the grant after creating the Virtual UCF Arboretum and will use the funds to enhance immersive learning experiences about the natural world.
UCF Gets an A+ for its Bee Campus USA Designation The university is the first in the state to receive the certification for its activities that help support pollinators.
Campus to Conduct Prescribed Burn A prescribed burn will be conducted today on the southeast part of campus to remove dead, decaying and low-lying plants that could provide fuel for…
UCF Arbor Day Celebration Plants More Trees on Campus Fifteen more trees have made their way on to the University of Central Florida campus thanks to students, alumni and community partners getting their hands…
Local Wildfire Awareness and Precautions An exceptionally dry season combined with low humidity and high winds has led to ideal conditions for wildfires, which have recently impacted Central Florida and…
UCF Arboretum to Launch Medicinal-Herb Workshop Series Amanda Lindsay was shocked when a homemade disinfecting ointment cured her severely cut knuckle. After the University of Central Florida Landscape & Natural Resources employee…
UCF Receives Tree Campus USA Recognition The University of Central Florida has received a Tree Campus USA designation from the Arbor Day Foundation for the fourth year in a row. The…
New Greenhouse Means More Opportunity for Arboretum UCF’s Arboretum will build a new greenhouse later this year for research, plant propagation and other projects near a former glass-enclosed structure damaged by hurricanes…
Plant Trees, Tend to Community Garden Friday, April 18 The University of Central Florida will go “green” this Friday as part of an early observance of National Arbor Day, which is Friday, April 25.…
Prescribed Burn Canceled A prescribed burn scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, has been canceled due to weather conditions. Information about UCF’s next prescribed burn attempt will be posted…
UCF Alum, Tech Entrepreneur’s New Venture Tackles Constraints in AI, Cloud Computing Orlando Business Journal