According to the 2010 Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) Racial and Gender Report Card released by The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES), the WNBA received an A+ for gender and an A for race.
That is the highest combined grade for any sport in the Racial and Gender Report Card since 2004.
TIDES publishes the Racial and Gender Report Card to indicate areas of improvement, stagnation and regression in the racial and gender composition of professional and college sports personnel and to contribute to the improvement of integration in front office and college athletics department positions. This publication is the third report issued so far in 2010 after the releases of the reports on Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association.
Richard Lapchick, the director of TIDES as well as the director of the DeVos Sport Business Management Program in the UCF College of Business Administration, co-authored the report with DeVos program students Daniel Caudy and Kristina Russell. The 28-page report card is available on the TIDES website.