Güneş Murat Tezcür, Ph.D., the Jalal Talabani Chair of Kurdish Political Studies at UCF, will speak at the Tuscawilla Country Club Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. The title of his talk is ‘What do Terrorists and Freedom Fighters Have in Common?’
Tezcür will explain the reasoning behind individuals’ decisions to join an armed organization as a self-sacrificial behavior based on their social identity. He will examine the decision to fight as a form of altruistic punishment through multiple disciplinary approaches.
Tezcür’s informative presentation is backed by his impressive background. He is a social scientist studying political violence, identity, and movements. He has authored around 20 scholarly articles that appeared in leading journals such as American Political Science Review, Comparative Politics, Journal of Peace Research, Political Research Quarterly, and more.
Tezcür has given talks about his research in many leading universities in the United States and abroad, civil society associations and governmental institutions. He also serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Middle East Studies and Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics and Religions.
There is no admission cost. A dinner buffet can be purchased for $20.