To help limit the spread of COVID-19, UCF is providing a free reusable and washable cloth mask for each student, faculty and staff member.

In addition to the current distribution locations across main campus and UCF Downtown, UCF is adding a new way to make armoring up even more convenient — vending machines that dispense face coverings.

UCF worked with its snack vendor to repurpose vending machines on campuses. Instead of chips and candy bars, they’ll dispense the UCF-branded cloth face coverings free of charge to students and employees. UCF is thought to be the first university to provide face coverings in this way.

“Everyone on campus understands the importance of wearing masks, so we want to do whatever we can to help facilitate the process,” says Scott Eberle, assistant director of business services.

Four vending machines have been installed outdoors in easily accessible areas on the main campus, including Ferrell Commons, the Business Administration I building and the John T. Washington Center.

By the time fall classes begin Aug. 24, vending machines are also expected to be located at the John C. Hitt Library, Engineering I, the first floor of the Student Union, Rosen College of Hospitality Management and the UCF Downtown campus for a total of nine machines.

Each vending machine is stocked with about 350 coverings, and university staff members will routinely check the machines to ensure product is readily available.

Picking up the face covering is easy:
  1. Use a valid UCF ID to swipe through the credit card terminal reader. Double check before swiping that your ID has not expired. If it has expired, visit UCF Card Services to exchange your expired ID for a valid one at no charge.
  2. Choose your item number of choice inside the machine.
  3. Pick up your mask from the return slot on the machine.
  4. Check out the vendor coupons for campus businesses as a bonus.
  5. Enjoy your free UCF-branded mask and Armor Up, Knights.

Remember, only one free cloth face covering per student, faculty or staff member. If you have picked up a face covering at one of the distribution locations, you will not be able to pick up another through the vending machine.

For campus visitors and those who forget their face covering, UCF is also working to offer disposable face coverings and personal protective equipment packs available for purchase in the nearly 100 vending machines across the university. The PPE packs plan to include sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, a face covering and gloves.

Cloth and disposable face coverings are available for purchase at campus bookstores. Disposable masks are available for purchase at The Spot. More style options are available through Rock ’Em, a former student’s apparel company based in Orlando. For each $14 face covering bought through Rock ’Em, $5 will go to the UCF Student Emergency Fund.


For the latest information about returning to campus, visit UCF’s coronavirus and Returning to UCF websites. Students, faculty, staff and visitors will be required to complete the COVID Self-Checker — available via the UCF mobile app or online — each day before arriving to campus.