Humble beginnings: UCF College of Nursing began as a department in 1978 with a small group of students. The first class graduated in 1981 with their B.S.N. degrees.

Celebrating 30 years: 2011 marks the program’s 30-year anniversary! UCF College of Nursing would like to hear from its inaugural class of B.S.N. students (pictured here).

Calling Class of 1981… Tell us:

  • Where are you now and what are you doing?
  • How has the profession changed since you earned your B.S.N. degree?
  • What advice do you have for the next generation of nursing students?
  • Help us identify your classmates in the photo above.
  • Send your current contact information, recent photos, any archived class photos and feedback to (or mail them to UCF College of Nursing, Attn: Editor, UCF Nursing Magazine, 12201 Research Parkway, Suite 300, Orlando, Florida 32826).