Dancel is the primary tweeter and the face of the library on Facebook. Her efforts and that of the rest of the social media team have paid off, earning the UCF Library top spots on the list of the 100 Most Social Media Friendly Colleges and Universities in the nation.
Collectively, UCF ranked 70 on the list. But its use of Facebook was ranked 3rd in the nation. The library ranked 16th for its use of Google Plus and 41st for Twitter. The library came in at 100 for YouTube.
The UCF Library has more than 2,700 likes on Facebook and has had more than 24,000 visitors as of today. The library also has more than 800 followers on Twitter.
“We’re thrilled,” said Meg Scharf, a spokeswoman for the library. “We recognize social media as a very important way to reach our audience, and we’ve tried to make the best use of it. It’s nice to be recognized.”
The University of Texas at Austin earned first place. Four other Florida university libraries earned spots on the list: Florida State University at 40, FIU’s Medical Library at 85, USF at 91 and Rollins College at 98.
For a complete list visit . produced the list from a field of 442 colleges and universities that use social media to engage its audiences. is a new library science social community for librarians around the world. According to its website, the organization is “run by data and editorial geeks with a handful of librarians as associates. The goal is to use all avenues to inform and educate students about libraries.”