The Investigations Section of the University of Central Florida’s University Audit will undergo an assessment by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) in an effort to attain accredited status.

Accreditation is the certification by an independent reviewing authority that an entity has met specific requirements and prescribed standards. An accreditation program has long been recognized as a means for maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. A copy of the CFA’s accreditation standards are available through the commission’s website at

On April 28, 2021, University Audit’s Investigations Section will be assessed for compliance on policies and procedures, management, operations, and practices. As part of the assessment, UCF must notify the public at least 30 days prior to the accreditation assessment.

After the assessment team completes their review of the Investigations Section, it will report back to the full commission for a final decision on accreditation. Participation in the accreditation process is voluntary and, if granted, will be for a three-year period.

UCF employees as well as members of the general public are invited to direct comments on University Audit towards the assessment team by writing to the following address:

Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation
P.O. Box 1489, Tallahassee, FL 32302
About the University of Central Florida’s University Audit:

The mission of UCF’s Investigations Section is to investigate allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and other related wrongdoing. This work is performed independently, objectively and in accordance with investigation standards to determine if these allegations are substantiated. The Investigations Section is responsible for determining whether allegations fall under the Whistle-blower’s Act (Sections 112.3187 – 112.31895, Florida Statutes) and conducting whistle-blower investigations.

In addition, efforts are made to identify and recommend internal control and process improvements to reduce the risk of future fraudulent and improper activities through a combination of preventative, detective, and corrective risk mitigation activities. The Investigations Section also serves as the university’s point of contact for the design and oversight of the university’s antifraud framework, strategies, and training.

University Audit serves as the university’s internal auditor, providing internal audits and reviews, management consulting and advisory services, investigations of fraud, abuse, employee misconduct, and other wrongdoing, as well as, follow-up of audit and investigation recommendations, evaluation of the processes of risk management and governance, and coordination with external auditors and other investigative bodies.

About the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation:

The Commission establishes standards, oversees an accreditation program, and awards accreditation to compliant Florida law enforcement agencies. The Commission strives to improve the ability of law enforcement agencies to deliver professional public safety services.

The Commission is comprised of 15 volunteer members, one of which is a representative appointed by the Office of the Chief Inspector General. The Commission meets three times per year to oversee the accreditation program and to officially accredit, or reaccredit, agencies that have passed the rigorous review process.
