First semester enrollment is limited to part time to assure students’ academic success. UCF Online students do not commonly have in-person access to resource offices and faculty. First time in college (FTIC) students are new to the college experience and are given a major semester (Fall or Spring) to become accustomed to UCF’s online services and class modalities, after which they are able to enroll in a full-time class load, if desired. If an online student requires full time enrollment for scholarship purposes, they are encouraged to contact the Undergraduate Admissions office regarding a possible waiver.
Yes. Online is an instructional mode at UCF, just like face-to-face or mixed, and many programs give you the option of taking some or most courses virtually. There are lots of traditional students who take a combination of classroom-based courses and online or mixed, and you will find both UCF Online students and campus students in the same online classes with the same faculty. However, for the UCF Online student, there is only one mode of instruction – online. If you are interested in campus life or student housing, you should not enroll in UCF Online, and you can still take as many online classes as you like (campus-based fees will be assessed). Students can opt-out of UCF Online by contacting their UCF Online connect center coach.
Yes, students are free to visit campus, use the library, meet with faculty, advisors, and other resource offices. Online students may not reside in campus housing. Some campus services and resources that are fee-supported (e.g., the Recreation and Wellness Center), may not be available to UCF Online students. See table above for more details.
UCF Online is intended for students who either cannot or choose not to participate in campus life. Therefore, they do not pay student fees for services like transportation, health services and recreation facilities. This is a savings of over $55 per credit hour for undergraduate students. See table above for a full list of services available.