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The program is a 30 credit hour interdisciplinary program that prepares students to develop algorithms and computerized systems to facilitate the discovery of information from large amounts of data. It will utilize the technical aspects of big data analytics, including algorithm design, programming, acquisition, management, mining, analysis, and interpretation of data.
The students will learn to:

  • Use state-of-the-art software tools to perform data mining and analysis on large structured and unstructured data sets, and transform such data into knowledge.
  • Design and implement new algorithms for data mining and analysis, and study their time-, space-, and energy-efficiency.
  • Perform data acquisition and management for extremely large and dynamic databases.
  • Present and communicate knowledge derived from data in an unambiguous and convincing manner.

The course of study is as follows:

Core Courses:

  • Statistical Analysis (STA 5206)
  • Parallel and Distributed Database Systems (COP 5711)
  • Machine Learning (CAP 5610)
  • Text Mining I (CAP 6307)
  • Network Science (COT 6938)
  • Data Mining Methodology I (STA 5703)
  • Data Mining Methodology II (STA 6704)
  • Project in Data Analytics (CAP 6942)

Electives (must choose 2):

  • Parallel and Cloud Computation (COP 6526)
  • Social Media and Network Analysis (CAP 6315)
  • Computational Analysis of Social Complexity (CAP 6318)
  • Interactive Data Visualization (CAP 6737)
  • Data Preparation (STA 6714)
  • Machine Learning Methods for Biomedical Data (CAP 6545)