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UCF Online is designed to serve prospective and current students enrolled exclusively in online programs by providing comprehensive, personalized services from initial inquiry through graduation. UCF Online provides access to students seeking an excellent education from a distance while also offering a more affordable degree option.

The following information features guidelines and student policies specifically related to the UCF Online program and does not replace or override other authoritative UCF publications. Students should review and be familiar with all academic, class registration, student conduct, policy and program requirements, as well as other information contained in the various UCF student handbooks, guides and catalogs published online. The UCF Rules of Conduct apply to all undergraduate students, graduate students and students pursuing professional studies, including students enrolled in UCF Online. In particular, see:

Student Eligibility

Transfer and Graduate Students may apply for admission to UCF Online majors and are eligible to transition into a UCF Online program at any time provided the student has not enrolled in a campus-based class in their current career.

First-Time-in-College (FTIC) Students applying to the Summer 2024 term and beyond are eligible for admission to UCF Online programs. FTIC students will be limited to part-time enrollment (<12 credit hours) in their first major semester (Fall or Spring) but may opt for a full-time credit load thereafter. Requests to opt-in or change major to UCF Online must be made no later than three business days in advance of classes starting for the fee waivers effective to be applied in that given term or term sub-session. For requests submitted after this deadline, the fee waivers will be effective starting the next term. Any student ineligible for UCF Online may still take online courses and complete UCF Online majors or programs but will be subject to campus-based fees. Contact the UCF Online Connect Center for further information, or to appeal ineligibility for UCF Online. Any student ineligible for UCF Online may still take online courses and complete UCF Online majors or programs, but will be subject to campus-based fees. Contact the UCF Online Connect Center for further information, or to appeal ineligibility for UCF Online. Note that due to current restrictions imposed by U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, UCF’s Webcourse delivery cannot be provided to the following countries. Students who are resident or may be resident in any of these countries during their UCF study should not enroll or begin an academic program at UCF. The restricted countries are:

  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Syria
  • The region of Crimea

Additionally, due to state regulation restrictions, UCF is not permitted to provide online courses or instructions through the Master of Social Work program to students from Nebraska.

UCF is currently accepting applications for nursing programs from individuals who reside in Florida, as well as other member states of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) nurse-licensure compact. Visit the NCSBN website to view the full list of states included.

Undergraduate Student Change of Major

To major in a UCF Online program, students who meet the eligibility requirements may submit a change of major request through MyUCF self-service and they will then be contacted by the UCF Online Connect Center prior to approval of the change. Some majors may require the assistance of an academic advisor in your college. A change of major request must be submitted no later than three business days in advance of classes starting for the fee waivers effective to be applied in that given term or term sub-session. For requests submitted after this deadline, the fee waivers will be effective starting the next term.

UCF Online students may convert to a campus-based undergraduate major. UCF Online students may change from one UCF Online major to another and may declare and earn an online undergraduate certificate. A UCF Online student may not add a campus-based second major or earn a campus-based undergraduate certificate unless they change out of UCF Online completely. Contact the UCF Online Connect Center for further information, or to appeal ineligibility for UCF Online.

First Term Grace Period

New admits and students in their first term at UCF can follow the Change of Major process to opt-in to UCF Online without needing to submit an eligibility petition. The request to opt-in can be made any time before the Wednesday prior to the start of their second term, as outlined in the Academic Calendar. This grace period is designed to help new students transition smoothly into UCF Online if unforeseen or extenuating circumstances arise during their first semester that prevent them from attending in-person classes on the main campus.

  • Subsequent Terms: Starting from the second term, students must follow the traditional petition guidelines to appeal ineligibility. This includes speaking with their UCF Online Success Coach, submitting a formal petition, and meeting all eligibility criteria outlined by the university.
  • Petition Eligibility Guidelines: Students who need to petition to opt-in to UCF Online after their first term due to extenuating circumstances must complete the UCF Online Petition Form, which includes providing a statement of purpose explaining their circumstances. Students must also submit documentation supporting the extenuating circumstances prohibiting in-person attendance on the main campus. They must adhere to the deadlines specified by the university.
  • Rationale: Campus-based students have access to all course modalities and can take fully online courses without needing to opt into UCF Online.

Opt-Out Policy

Fully online students who wish to opt-out of UCF Online must submit a formal request via the Change of Major process. The request will be reviewed, and students will be notified of the decision within a specified timeframe. Opting out of UCF Online may affect a student’s course schedule and financial aid status. Students are advised to consult with their assigned Academic Success Coach, UCF Online Success Coach, and a Financial Aid Counselor (if applicable) before making this decision.

Graduate Student Program Changes

UCF Online graduate students may initiate a program track change within an online program with their graduate program advising staff. UCF Online students who wish to add an online certificate program, or change to an alternate online degree program, must apply and be accepted. Graduate students may not be simultaneously active in a UCF Online program and a campus-based program. Graduate students who meet UCF Online eligibility qualifications may change from a campus-based program to the equivalent UCF Online program.

UCF Online students may convert to a campus-based version of their graduate program. Campus-based students may continue to take online courses and complete UCF Online programs, but will be subject to all campus-based fees. A UCF Online student may not add a campus-based graduate certificate program unless they change out of UCF Online completely. UCF Online graduate students in special tuition programs have additional restrictions on eligibility for other UCF programs.

Class Enrollment Restrictions

UCF Online students may not enroll in classes with scheduled face-to-face meetings. This includes classes coded P (face-to-face instruction), M (mixed-mode/reduced seat time), and RS (limited attendance). When logged into the portal at, only online courses in the class schedule are visible to UCF Online students. See course modalities for more information on UCF course modalities and the types of online courses (W and V) open to UCF Online students.

UCF Online students in special tuition graduate programs have additional restrictions and may only enroll in UCF classes that are part of their program. UCF Online students may be eligible for off-campus academic experiences that are not conducted online, such as study abroad, clinical activities, and service learning. Contact the UCF Online Connect Center for more information.

Fee Waivers

Students enrolling in a UCF Online program will receive a waiver of the following per credit-hour campus-based fees:

  • Activity and Service Fee
  • Transportation and Access Fee
  • Health Fee
  • Athletic Fee
  • Technology Fee

All UCF student tuition and fees are published by the Office of Student Accounts. See Tuition and Fees for a summary of UCF Online fee savings.

Immunization Requirements

UCF Online students are not required to submit proof of immunizations. However, all students must submit the Mandatory Immunization Health History form along with the completed waivers for Meningitis and Hepatitis B. Students who change out of UCF Online into a campus-based program or major become subject to the required proof of immunizations in order to enroll in additional classes.

Some UCF Online programs, such as those with field clinical requirements, may require proof of immunization.

Student Services

UCF Online students have full access and privileges to many UCF resources, including:

  • Success Coaches
  • Academic Advising
  • All Library Services
  • Student Academic Resource Center
  • Veterans Academic Resource Center
  • University Writing Center
  • Experiential Learning and Internships
  • Career Services
  • UCF Bookstore
  • Technology Product Center
  • ID Card Services (in person or by mail)
  • Student Accessibility Services

Service Restrictions

Some campus resources and services are supported by student fees that are waived for UCF Online students. Therefore, the following resources and services are restricted or limited for students who do not pay those fees:

  • Primary care visits and discounts at Student Health Services
  • Routine counseling and psychological services
  • Recreation and Wellness Center services and programs, including intramurals
  • UCF Athletics discounts and activities, including intramurals and intercollegiate athletics
  • Certain services from the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Involvement. Contact UCF Student Government Association or the Office of Student Involvement for more information.

International Students

UCF Online programs are open to students who reside outside of the U.S. No presence or travel to the UCF campus is required to complete the programs, so no visa is required. International students who are residing with F-1 visas are not eligible for UCF Online programs due to their campus class attendance requirements.

Graduate Assistantship Restrictions

UCF Online graduate students are not eligible for graduate assistantships or graduate teaching assistantships.

Housing Restrictions

UCF Online students are not eligible for on-campus student housing.

Document Version: 2.3, updated 12/03/2024

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