If you’re thinking of coming to UCF as an out-of-state student, just do it. Don’t overthink it. It was the best decision I ever made.”
Hi, my name is Shannon. I’m a visual arts major. I’m graduating this semester. I’m an out-of-state student from New Jersey and here’s why I chose UCF.
Why did you choose to go to college in Florida?
I decided to move to Florida for college because I grew up in New Jersey, lived my whole life there and wanted to move. I was looking online and UCF caught my eye because they had the program I wanted. I decided to come here to do a tour and confirm that I wanted to come here.
Have you benefitted from going to college in Orlando?
One of my favorite things about UCF is the location. It’s so close to so many theme parks. This past semester, I had the opportunity to intern at SeaWorld as a costume technician in the Sesame Street Christmas parade.
What’s your favorite UCF event?
Every year, UCF has an event called UCF Celebrates the Arts. In the past, I’ve been able to have art showcased in it. One of the pieces I had was a guitar I made in my 3D design class. We had to design a guitar, so I made a flamingo. The guitar I made in that class was showcased at UCF Celebrates the Arts, which is very exciting.
Do you have a favorite class?
My favorite class I’ve taken at UCF, I’m currently in, and it’s mold making and casting. I’ve also taken sculpture classes with him and he’s amazing professor.
What’s your favorite part of being an out-of-state student at UCF?
My favorite thing about being UCF student is all the opportunities available to me. Some of my favorite things about being a UCF student are the football games, Spirit Splash and being a social media ambassador. If you’re thinking of coming to UCF as an out-of-state student, just do it. Don’t overthink it. It was the best decision I ever made.
Was it hard adjusting to life as an out-of-state student?
For me, adjusting to a new state was not that hard. I have a very close relationship with my family, so I get to talk to them all the time. Making new friends on campus was not that hard. I joined lots of clubs. My favorite was the Social Media Ambassador program. I made friends on the first day that are still my best friends today.
Thanks for watching. Go Knights, Charge On!

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