As an Education Lead on the PhysTEC project at the American Physical Society, Adam LaMee helps coordinate a national program to recruit and prepare high school physics teachers. Prior to that, Mr. LaMee worked at the University of Central Florida Physics Department coordinating undergraduate laboratories, the Learning Assistant program, teaching courses on physics and pedagogy, and led partnerships with K12 schools. For the past ten years that has included integrating Python and Jupyter into undergraduate physics curriculum and large-scale data science initiatives in middle and high schools. Mr. LaMee served as a Teaching & Learning Fellow for the NSF-funded QuikNet Program whose activities include mentoring K12 teachers and students in particle physics research and creating K12 curriculum that exposes students to current research in a range of physics disciplines. He has 20 years of experience teaching at the high school and university levels, has led workshops around the country for hundreds of K12 teachers, and was a developer of Florida’s secondary science course standards. Most recently, LaMee is Co-Investigator and Education and Outreach Lead on two NASA grants, the STRATA-2P parabolic flight mission ($632k) and Lunar-VISE lunar rover ($35M).