The UCF Police Department is here to keep our community safe, and we believe in the power of transparency. Read more about UCF PD’s commitment to transparency.
Safety Initiatives
Take Control, Feel Better
Togetherall is a safe, online community to share feelings anonymously and get support to improve mental health and wellbeing. In the community people support each other, safely monitored by licensed and registered mental health practitioners.
Reporting at UCF
At UCF, we’re committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. If you experience or witness something on campus that doesn’t seem right, we want to know about it. We take each concern seriously because we take your safety seriously.
Let’s Be Clear
Through Let’s Be Clear, UCF aims to increase disclosure of sexual and relationship violence. Anyone who wants to ask a question about sexual or relationship violence or disclose a related concern can call or text a victim advocate 24/7.
Safety Resources at UCF
It’s hard to focus on learning if you don’t feel safe. At UCF, the safety of our students, faculty and staff is a top priority. Whether it’s your physical safety, mental health or personal well-being, we have you covered. Questions? Visit our safety FAQs for answers.
UCF Police Department
Certified law enforcement officers patrol UCF’s campuses 24/7. Call 911 in an emergency or 407-823-5555 for non-emergencies. The department offers free safety resources for the UCF community, including self-defense classes, free property registration and safe exchange spots for e-commerce transactions
More Information
Emergency Blue Light Phones
Emergency phones with a blue light on top provide direct contact to a police dispatcher and can be found throughout the main campus, as well as the Downtown, Rosen and Health Sciences campuses. They’re in every level of every campus parking garage and on poles around the campuses. When you activate the red button on these phones, you’ll be connected with a UCF Police Department dispatcher and a police officer will respond as needed.
UCF Alert
UCF Alerts are emergency text messages, emails and other communications issued by campus safety officials. Alerts notify of an emergency – such as severe weather, criminal activity or an armed threat – and provide general instructions. Depending on the nature of the emergency, follow-up alerts will contain more detailed information. More updates will be shared on Twitter @UCF and @UCFPolice.
Update your contact information on myUCF via the student or employee self-service tab. Add a parent, spouse or other secondary contact’s email address so they will also receive updates.
Mental Health at UCF
UCF Cares
Green Dot
Green Dot is a bystander intervention training program that trains UCF students, faculty and staff how to safely act when they see or experience interpersonal violence. Bystander intervention programming lets everyone know that violence is not tolerated at UCF. To sign up for training or learn more about the program, email greendot@ucf.edu.
Hazing Prevention
Department of Emergency Management
Department of Security
The Department of Security maintains UCF’s secure and open environment while balancing safety with individual rights. The department supports access control, camera systems and additional security planning and services.
Victim Services
Victims of crime, violence or abuse can contact a confidential victim advocate for support and advocacy, free of charge. Advocates will explain your options, assist you in whatever choices you make, and connect you to appropriate campus and community resources. Reach a victim advocate 24/7 by calling 407-823-1200 or texting 407-823-6868 to discuss what you’re experiencing.
Integrity Line
The Integrity Line is a secure system to report suspected misconduct with complete anonymity. The system is administered by an independent third party, and the web portal never identifies a visitor and deletes the internet address so that anonymity is preserved. Callers are not traced or recorded. All reports are reviewed by the University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Office and investigated as discreetly and promptly as possible. Reach IntegrityLine 24/7 at compliance.ucf.edu or 1-855-877-6049.
Student of Concern
Faculty and staff, fellow students, and others who are aware of a student experiencing challenges or difficulties that concerns them may report the individual to the university for connection with campus support resources. If a student is expressed threatening or intimidating behaviors, call UCF Police immediately at 911 in an emergency or 407-823-5555 for non-emergencies.
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free, confidential benefit that offers the support and resources you need to address any personal challenges or concerns. The EAP provides in-person, telephone or video counseling with licensed professionals for grief, depression and other issues; support for issues such as adoption, childcare, eldercare, financial & legal issues, identity theft, and more; and expert negotiators who assist with lowering medical bills.

Safety at UCF Downtown
In 2019, UCFPD’s footprint expanded to a downtown substation located on West Amelia Street to best serve the members of our community at UCF Downtown. Uniformed officers patrol the campus 24/7, and campus safety features and public safety education initiatives mirror what’s available at the main campus.
Learn more about safety at UCF DowntownCampus Safety News