UCF & Amazon Career Choice
Amazon’s Career Choice program is an education benefit that empowers Amazon employees to learn new skills for career success at Amazon or elsewhere. Amazon provides a variety of education and upskilling opportunities including full college tuition.
The University of Central Florida partners with Amazon to provide their hourly employees with two options:
- Access to most undergraduate degree programs.
- UCF Global non-credit English Language (ESL) courses.
English Language Courses at UCF Global
Steps to Get Started
- Visit UCF Global’s Amazon Career Choice Page
- Attend a virtual Open House and Intake Session to register for an upcoming class.
- Complete UCF Global’s Online Registration. Then apply for a payment request with Amazon Career Choice by going to A to Z: https://atoz.amazon.work/career_choice/

Undergraduate Courses
Steps to Get Started
- Find the UCF undergraduate program that’s right for you. You can search through the full list of available UCF majors here. If you’re already a UCF student, then move straight to Step 3.
- Apply to UCF through UCF’s Undergraduate Admissions Office.
- Following admission to UCF, select your major and create your class schedule.
- Once you have selected your classes, apply for a payment request with Amazon Career Choice by going to A to Z: https://atoz.amazon.work/career_choice/

Featured Degrees
English Language Courses Through UCF Global
English language program courses are available to eligible employees of participating companies. Class selection is determined after individual assessment and assigned based on participant level.
Arts and Humanities
- Art (BA)
- Art (BA) - History
- Art (BA) - Immersive Experience Design Track
- Art (BA) - Studio
- Art (BA) - Visual Arts Management Track
- Bachelor of Design in Architecture (BDes)
- Emerging Media (BFA)
- Emerging Media (BFA) - Animation & Visualization Track
- Emerging Media (BFA) - Character Animation Track
- Emerging Media (BFA) - Graphic Design Track
- English (BA)
- English (BA) - Creative Writing
- English (BA) - Literature
- English (BA) - Technical Communication
- French and Francophone Studies (BA)
- History (BA)
- Humanities and Cultural Studies (BA)
- Music (BA)
- Music Education (BME)
- Music Performance (BM) - Composition
- Music Performance (BM) - Jazz Studies
- Music: Performance (BM)
- Philosophy (BA)
- Religion and Cultural Studies (BA)
- Spanish (BA)
- Studio Art (BFA)
- Theatre (BA)
- Theatre (BFA)
- Theatre (BFA) - Acting
- Theatre (BFA) - Design and Technology
- Theatre (BFA) - Musical Theatre
- Theatre (BFA) - Stage Management
- Writing and Rhetoric (BA)
- Accounting (BSBA)
- Business Economics (BSBA)
- Business Economics (BSBA) - Business Analytics
- Economics (BS)
- Finance (BSBA)
- Integrated Business (BSBA)
- Management (BSBA)
- Marketing (BSBA)
- Marketing (BSBA) - General Marketing
- Marketing (BSBA) - Professional Selling
- Real Estate (BSBA)
- Real Estate (BSBA) - Appraisal Track
Community Innovation and Education
- Career and Technical Education (BS)
- Career and Technical Education (BS) - Workforce Training and Development
- Criminal Justice (BA)
- Criminal Justice (BA) - Professional Track
- Criminal Justice (BA) - Scholar's Track
- Criminal Justice (BS)
- Criminal Justice (BS) - Professional Track
- Criminal Justice (BS) - Scholar's Track
- Early Childhood Development and Education (BS)
- Early Childhood Development and Education (BS) - Early Childhood Development
- Early Childhood Development and Education (BS) - Education: Pre-Kindergarten-Primary (PK-3)
- Elementary Education (BS)
- Elementary Education (BS) - K-6 Certification
- Elementary Education (BS) - Lifelong Learning
- Elementary Education (BS) - Professional Studies Track (Non-Certification)
- Emergency Management (BA)
- Emergency Management (BS)
- Exceptional Student Education (BS)
- Exceptional Student Education (BS) - Learning and Development Track
- Health Informatics (BS)
- Health Informatics and Information Management (BS)
- Health Services Administration (BS)
- Legal Studies (BA)
- Legal Studies (BA) - Barry Law/Touro Law Accel BA to JD
- Legal Studies (BS)
- Legal Studies (BS) - Barry Law/Touro Law Accel BS to JD
- Nonprofit Management (BA)
- Nonprofit Management (BS)
- Public Administration (BA)
- Public Administration (BS)
- Secondary Education (BS)
- Secondary Education (BS) - English Language Arts Ed - Lifelong Learning Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - English Language Arts Education Track with ESOL and Reading Endorsement
- Secondary Education (BS) - Mathematics Ed - Education Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Mathematics Ed - Lifelong Learning Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Science Ed - Biology - Lifelong Learning Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Science Ed - Biology- Education Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Science Ed - Chemistry - Education Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Science Ed - Chemistry - Lifelong Learning Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Science Ed - Physics - Education Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Science Ed - Physics - Lifelong Learning
- Secondary Education (BS) - Social Science Ed - Education Track
- Secondary Education (BS) - Social Science Ed - Lifelong Learning Track
- Teacher Education (BS)
- Teacher Education (BS) - Art Ed - Education Track
- Teacher Education (BS) - Art Ed - Lifelong Learning Track
- Teacher Education (BS) - Physical Ed - Education Track
- Teacher Education (BS) - Physical Ed - Lifelong Learning Track
- Teacher Education (BS) - World Languages Education - Education Track
- Teacher Education (BS) - World Languages Education - Lifelong Learning
Engineering and Computer Science
- Aerospace Engineering (BSAE)
- Civil Engineering (BSCE)
- Computer Engineering (BSCpE)
- Computer Engineering (BSCpE) - Comprehensive Track
- Computer Engineering (BSCpE) - Digital VLSI Circuits Track
- Computer Science (BS)
- Computer Science (BS) - Accelerated BS to MS
- Computer Science (BS) - BS to Cyber Security and Privacy MS Track
- Construction Engineering (BSConE)
- Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
- Electrical Engineering (BSEE) - Communication and Signal Processing Track
- Electrical Engineering (BSEE) - Comprehensive Track
- Electrical Engineering (BSEE) - Power and Renewable Energy Track
- Electrical Engineering (BSEE) - RF and Microwaves Track
- Environmental Engineering (BSVE)
- Industrial Engineering (BSIE)
- Information Technology (BS)
- Information Technology (BS) - Accelerated BS to Cyber Security & Privacy MS Track
- Materials Science and Engineering (BS)
- Mechanical Engineering (BSME)
Health Professions and Sciences
- Communication Sciences and Disorders (BS)
- General Health Studies (BS)
- Health Sciences (BS)
- Health Sciences (BS)
- Health Sciences (BS) - Health Promotion Track
- Health Sciences (BS) - Pre-Clinical Track
- Kinesiology (BS)
- Kinesiology (BS) - Exercise and Sport Physiology
- Kinesiology (BS) - Strength and Conditioning Track
- Social Work (BSW)
Hospitality Management
- Entertainment Management (BS)
- Event Management (BS)
- Hospitality Management (BS)
- Hospitality Management (BS) - AS to BS
- Hospitality Management (BS) - Hospitality Information Technology
- Hospitality Management (BS) - Lodging Management
- Hospitality Management (BS) - Theme Park and Attraction Management
- Lifestyle Community Management (BS)
- Lodging and Restaurant Management (BS)
- Lodging and Restaurant Management (BS) - AS to BS Track
- Senior Living Management (BS)
- Theme Park and Attraction Management (BS)
Optics and Photonics
- Actuarial Science (BS)
- Advertising / Public Relations (BA)
- Anthropology (BA)
- Anthropology (BA) - Anthropological Methods and Practice Track
- Anthropology (BA) - General Track
- Biology (BS)
- Biology (BS) - Ecology, Evolutionary and Conservation Track
- Biology (BS) - General Biology Track
- Biology (BS) - Marine and Aquatic Track
- Biology (BS) - Plant Sciences Track
- Biology (BS) - Pre-Health Professional Track
- Biology (BS) - Zoology and Pre-Veterinarian Science
- Chemistry (BA)
- Chemistry (BA) - Education Track
- Chemistry (BA) - Industry Track
- Chemistry (BA) - Preprofessional Track
- Chemistry (BS)
- Chemistry (BS) - Biochemistry
- Communication and Conflict (BA)
- Data Science (BS)
- Digital Media (BA)
- Digital Media (BA) - Game Design Track
- Digital Media (BA) - Web and Interactive Media Track
- Film (BA)
- Film (BFA)
- Forensic Science (BS)
- Forensic Science (BS) - Biochemistry
- Forensic Science (BS) - Chemistry
- Integrated Sciences and Technology (BS)
- Integrated Sciences and Technology (BS) - Integrated Science Education Track
- Integrated Sciences and Technology (BS) - Integrated Sciences Track
- International and Global Studies (BA)
- Journalism (BA)
- Journalism (BA) - Electronic Journalism
- Journalism (BA) - Print/Digital Journalism
- Mathematics (BS)
- Mathematics (BS) - Computational Track
- Mathematics (BS) - Engineering/Physics Track
- Mathematics (BS) - General Mathematics Track
- Mathematics (BS) - Mathematical Biology Track
- Mathematics (BS) - Mathematical Data Analysis Track
- Mathematics (BS) - Mathematical Economics Track
- Media Production and Management (BA)
- Media Production and Management (BA) - Media Management and Operations Track
- Media Production and Management (BA) - Production Track
- Media Production and Management (BA) - Sports Production Track
- Physics (BA)
- Physics (BA) - Biophysics Concentration
- Physics (BA) - Education Concentration
- Physics (BA) - Information Technology/Data Science Concentration
- Physics (BA) - Technical Writing Concentration
- Physics (BS)
- Physics (BS) - Astronomy
- Physics (BS) - Computational
- Physics (BS) - Materials
- Physics (BS) - Optics and Lasers
- Political Science (BA)
- Political Science (BA) - American Politics and Policy
- Political Science (BA) - Intelligence and National Security Track
- Political Science (BA) - International Relations and Comp. Politics
- Political Science (BA) - Prelaw
- Psychology (BS)
- Psychology (BS) - Clinical Psychology Track
- Psychology (BS) - Experimental Psychology Track
- Psychology (BS) - General Psychology Track
- Psychology (BS) - Human Factors Psychology Track
- Psychology (BS) - Industrial / Organizational Psychology Track
- Psychology (BS) - Neuroscience Track
- Social Sciences (BS)
- Sociology (BA)
- Sociology (BS)
- Statistics (BS)
Undergraduate Studies
- Environmental Science (BS)
- Environmental Studies (BS)
- Environmental Studies (BS) - Communication and Planning
- Environmental Studies (BS) - Sciences
- Integrative General Studies (BGS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (BA)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (BA) - General Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies (BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (BS) - General Studies
- Leadership (BA)
- Leadership (BA) - Commerce Leadership Track
- Leadership (BA) - Communication Leadership Track
- Leadership (BA) - Education Leadership Track
- Leadership (BA) - Environmental Leadership Track
- Leadership (BA) - Multidisciplinary Leadership Track
- Leadership (BS)
- Leadership (BS) - Commerce Leadership Track
- Leadership (BS) - Communication Leadership Track
- Leadership (BS) - Education Leadership Track
- Leadership (BS) - Environmental Leadership Track
- Leadership (BS) - Multidisciplinary Leadership Track
- Sustainability (BA)
- Sustainability (BS)
Student Assistance
UCF students or staff with questions about program participation or eligibility requirements for Amazon Career Choice should visit https://www.amazoncareerchoice.com/home
About Online Programs
UCF students or staff who have questions about UCF Online programs can also call the UCF Online Connect Center directly on 855-903-8576.
About English Language Courses
UCF students or staff who have questions about UCF Global English Language programs can also call the UCF Online Connect Center directly on 407-832-5517.

Amazon Career Choice Program FAQs
Explore some of the most frequently asked questions about the the Amazon Career Choice program. Continue to check back as more FAQs become available.
Class modality varies between program options.
Amazon employees wanting to get started through for Amazon Career Choice should visit https://www.amazoncareerchoice.com/home to enquire about eligibility requirements and application processes.
Amazon Career Choice Program is available to both current and newly enrolled UCF students who meet the program’s eligibility criteria. Please note that eligibility criteria is determined by Amazon and not by UCF.
We encourage Amazon employees to visit https://www.amazoncareerchoice.com/home to learn if they qualify and how to enroll in the Amazon Career Choice program.