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The University of Central Florida is a metropolitan research university located in Orlando, one of the most visited cities in the world. UCF benefits from faculty and staff who create a welcoming environment, a high quality of life, and opportunities to grow, learn and succeed.

UCF’s main campus is 13 miles east of downtown Orlando and adjacent to one of the top research parks in the nation. The university also has an accredited College of Medicine in the Medical City at Lake Nona, Rosen College of Hospitality Management located off International Drive, a campus in downtown Orlando and UCF Connect locations throughout Central Florida.

With nearly 70,000 students, UCF is the largest university by enrollment in Florida and one of the largest universities in the nation. It has more than 13,000 employees and an operating budget of $2 billion. UCF researchers received $229 million in fiscal year 2024 for funded research. In Fall 2024, the freshman class had an average SAT combined score of 1342, the Burnett Honors College enrolled 506 new students, and the number of incoming National Merit Scholars ranked UCF among the top 25 colleges and universities.

The university offers 111 bachelor’s, 98 master’s, 33 research doctorates, 3 professional doctorates and 3 specialist degree programs, and it leads all universities in Florida in conferring more than 18,000 degrees a year. UCF is committed to innovative community partnerships, world-class research with local impact, and the integration of technology and learning.

Campus Information

General UCF campus information
Location Orlando, Florida
Construction Began January 1967
First Classes Began October 1968
Original Enrollment 1,948 students
SERB Classification Four-Year 1 Institution
Status One of Florida’s 12 public universities
SACSCOC Level 6 Institution
Fall 2024 Enrollment 69,818

ucf knight statue

UCF’s Promise

  • Harness the power of scale to transform lives and livelihoods.
  • Attract and cultivate exceptional faculty, students and staff whose collective contributions strengthen us.
  • Deploy our distinctive assets to solve society’s greatest challenges.
  • Create partnerships at every level that amplify our academic, economic, social and cultural impact and reputation.
  • Innovate academic, operational and financial models to transform higher education.

Learn more about our strategic plan.

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Carnegie Classification

Basic Classification

  • RU/VH (Research Universities/Very High Research Activity)

Standard Classification

  • Undergraduate Instructional Program: Prof + A&S/HGC (Professions + Arts and Sciences/High Graduate Coexistence)
  • Graduate Instructional Program: CompDoc/NMedVet (Comprehensive Doctoral/No Medical, Veterinary)
  • Enrollment Profile: HU (High Undergraduate)
  • Undergraduate Profile: MFT4/S/HTI (Medium Full-Time Four-Year/Selective/Higher Transfer-In)
  • Size and Setting: L4/NR (Large Four-Year/Primarily Nonresidential)

Elective Classification

  • Community Engagement


Degrees Offered

Total number of degree programs at UCF by program type.
Total 248
Bachelor’s 111
Master’s 98
Research Doctorates 33
Professional Doctorates (Medicine) 3
Specialist 3

Degrees Conferred (as of Aug. 2024)

Total degrees awarded by type.
Total 437,778
Bachelor’s 359,591
Master’s 68,912
Doctoral 7,296
Specialist 789
Professional (Medicine) 1,190

Degrees Awarded Per Academic Year


On Campus and Affiliated Housing

Number of students living in on campus and affiliated housing, by housing type.
Total 12,280
Housing — Orlando Campus 6,438
Sorority/Fraternity Housing 467
Rosen College Campus 384
Affiliated Housing 3,756
Managed Housing 594
UCF Downtown 641

Students sitting on couches in UCF housing

Growth with Quality

  • Fall 2024 freshman class had an average SAT score of 1342 and an average high school GPA of 4.22.
  • UCF is the largest university by enrollment in Florida with 69,818 students, including 59,649 undergraduates, 9,688 graduate students and 481 M.D. students.
  • UCF ranks second among Florida’s state universities with 341 National Merit Scholars enrolled.
  • UCF’s six-year graduation rate is 78%.

Top 15 Degrees Programs (degrees conferred)

Top Undergraduate Disciplines (CIP)

  1. Business Management and Administration (52.xxxx)
  2. Health Professions and Related (51.xxxx)
  3. Psychology (42.xxxx)
  4. Engineering (14.xxxx)
  5. Visual and Performing Arts (50.xxxx)
  6. Life Sciences (26.xxxx)
  7. Computer and Information Science (11.xxxx)
  8. Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies (30.xxxx)
  9. Social Sciences (45.xxxx)
  10. Communications (09.xxxx)
  11. Education (13.xxxx)
  12. Homeland Security, Law Enforcement (43.xxxx)
  13. Parks and Recreation (31.xxxx)
  14. Letters (23.xxxx)
  15. Law And Legal Studies (22.xxxx)

UCF is in “the vanguard of an insurgency that aims to demolish the popular belief that exclusivity is a virtue in higher education.”

The Washington Post

Cost of Attendance [1]


Cost of attendance for in-state students, by fee
Total $25,250
Tuition and fees $6,368
Books $1,200
Room and Board $12,452
Transportation $2,126
Personal Expense $3,104


Cost of attendance for out-of-state students, by fee
Total $41,349
Nonresident tuition and fees $22,467
Books $1,200
Room and Board $12,452
Transportation $2,126
Personal Expense $3,104

[1] Based on 30 undergraduate credit hours, standard room and dining membership for 2024-25 academic year.

An Affordable, Best-Value Education

  • 70% of first-time-in-college students graduate without any educational debt at UCF. Nationally, only 42% of students graduate debt-free.
  • Kiplinger’s magazine and Forbes rank UCF among the nation’s best education values.

Student Profile


Number of enrolled students by student type
Total 69,818
Undergraduate 59,649
Freshman (New Admit | Summer-Fall 2024) 8,295
Transfer (New Admit | Summer-Fall 2024) 6,859
Graduate 9,688
Medical Professional 481

UCF Online Enrollment

Number of enrolled students by student type
Total 6,934
Undergraduate 3,811
Graduate 3,123

Enrollment by Gender

Student enrollment totals by gender and student type.
Student Type Male Female Not Specified
University Total 32,103 37,686 29
Undergraduate 27,822 31,817 10
Graduate 4,037 5,639 12
Medical 244 230 7

Freshman Class Profile

Average standardized testing scores and GPA for Fall 2021 freshmen.
FTIC Applicants 47,629
FTIC Acceptances 15,813
FTIC Enrolled 4,736
Average SAT Score 1342
Average ACT Score 28.5
Average High School GPA (weighted) 4.22

Freshman Class Profile, the Burnett Honors College

Average standardized testing scores and GPA for Fall 2021 freshmen in the Burnett Honors College.
Total 506
Average SAT Score 1467
Average ACT Score 32.7
Average High School GPA (weighted) 4.51

Student Population

Student Population
Student Type Number of Students Percentage of Student Population
White 29,728 42.6%
Hispanic/Latino 21,086 30.2%
Black 6,165 8.8%
Asian 5,339 7.6%
International 3,215 4.6%
Multiracial 3,231 4.6%
Not Specified 917 1.3%
American Indian/Alaska Native 76 0.1%
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 61 0.1%

Florida Residency Status

Number and percentage of in-state vs out-of-state students.
Student Type Number of Students Percentage of Student Population
Total 69,818 100%
In-State 64,745 93%
Out-of-State 5,073 7%

Age Distribution

Average ages of students by student type.
Freshman 18.6
Sophomore 19.5
Junior 21.7
Senior 23.9
Over Age 25 19%
Average Age 23.3
Master’s 29.8
Specialist 30.6
Doctoral 32.3
Professional 25.4
Undergraduate 22.1
Graduate 30.6

Financial Aid Opportunities

$116.4 million

Awarded to Bright Futures students


Undergraduate students received financial aid

$553.1 million

In financial aid awarded


National Merit Scholars enrolled

Fall Enrollment by College

Number of students enrolled by college
College and Interdisciplinary School Undergraduate Graduate Medical Total
University Total 59,649 9,688 481 69,818
Arts and Humanities 4,096 438 4,534
Business 8,318 841 9,159
Community Innovation and Education 4,107 2,666 6,773
Engineering and Computer Science 13,332 2,269 15,601
Graduate Studies 80 80
Health Professions and Sciences 5,387 897 6,284
Medicine 2,424 134 481 3,039
Nursing 2,242 501 2,743
Optics and Photonics 148 152 300
Rosen College of Hospitality Management 2,095 413 2,508
Sciences 15,043 1,057 16,100
Undergraduate Studies 1,653 1,653
Undeclared 804 240 1,044

A Leader in Economic Impact

  • UCF employs more than 13,000 faculty and staff members. The university impacts more than 112,000 additional jobs and adds $7.73 billion of value to the economy, according to a 2009–10 study by the Florida Board of Governors.
  • More than 180,000 of our 384,500-plus alumni live in Orlando and the Central Florida region — each of them serving as a brand ambassador, boosting UCF’s national and global reputation.


Includes all permanent and temporary employees [2]

Number of UCF employees.
Category No. of Employees Full-time Equivalent (FTE)
University Total 13,139 9,393
Faculty 1,963 1,948
A & P Executive Service 2,604 2,594
Postdoctoral 216 217
Medical Postdoctoral 625 625
USPS 1,100 1,093
Adjunct 828 281
Graduate Assistants 1,724 869
OPS Students 3,570 1,500
OPS Nonstudents 509 266

Faculty Doctoral Data [3]

Percentage of faculty with and without doctoral degrees.
Faculty with Doctoral Degrees 80%
Faculty without Doctoral Degrees 20%

Faculty Tenure Data [3]

Percentage of tenured and nontenured faculty.
Faculty Tenured 45%
Faculty Nontenured on Track 12%
Faculty Nontenured Track 43%

Source: EEO Fall Staff File

[2] Totals may differ slightly due to rounding

[3] Includes all faculty in academic departments

Research and Endowment

Research Funding

Research funding in 2020-2021.
2023-2024 $229 million

UCF researchers have earned more than $1 billion in external grants and contracts during the past decade.

Endowment Assets

Endowment assets as of 2024
June 30, 2024 $247 million

Preparing Students for the Workforce

Campuses and Locations

Campus Size

Campus sizes by location
Location Net Square Feet Footage Acreage No. of
Main Campus (owned buildings) 9,112,738 10,344,337 1,420 274
Central Florida Research Park (owned buildings) 503,338 565,163 80.5 10
UCF Professional Development Center 12,018 11,857 23.5 2
UCF Higher Education Center at Daytona Beach 61,836 288,970 46.8 5
Clark Maxwell, Jr. Lifelong Learning Center at Cocoa 59,304 110,645 94.8 3
UCF Downtown 626,130 1,314,194 20.5 8
Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) 98,684 104,628 20 13
Rosen College of Hospitality Management 266,879 305,881 20 4
Health Sciences Campus at Lake Nona 616,367 754,141 87.2 7


2023–24 End-of-Year Expenditures

2023–24 End-of-Year Expenditures
Total $2,032,672,836
Education and General — Main [4] $672,529,124
Education and General — Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities $5,157,456
Education and General — Community Schools $8,313,335
Education and General — Medical School [4] $47,944,928
Auxiliary Enterprises [5] $362,225,103
Contracts and Grants $244,852,209
Local Funds $662,358,162
Faculty Practice (Medical School) $29,292,521

Source: F&A budget office

[4] Includes expenditure from carryforward funds

[5] Includes nonoperating expenditures per Schedule I

2023–24 Initial Operating Budgets

2023–24 Initial Operating Budgets
Total $2,297,383,400
Education and General — Main [6] $765,703,326
Education and General — Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities [6] $12,484,565
Education and General — Community Schools [6] $20,116,736
Education and General — Medical School [6] $48,130,175
Auxiliary Enterprises $443,800,545
Contracts and Grants $279,832,264
Local Funds $677,250,841
Faculty Practice (Medical School) $50,064,408

Source: F&A budget office

[6] Excludes technical transfers between main campus and College of Medicine, planned use of carryforward funds, and mid-year allocations from the state

Unless otherwise indicated, figures are for Fall 2024.